Query Withdrawal Transaction Event Logs

Query event logs of a withdrawal transaction by transaction hash.



 GET /v1/sofa/wallets/{WALLET_ID}/sender/transactions/eventlog?txid=TXID

Query Parameters

Field Type Note Description
txid string required Representing the transaction hash to query the event log
Response Body
Field Type Description
logs array TThe event logs
address string From which this event originated from
block_hash string Hash of the block where this transaction was in
block_number uint64 Block number where this transaction was in
data string The data containing non-indexed log parameter
index unit Integer of the event index position in the block
removed boolean Indicate the log is removed (due to chain reorg)
topics array An array of values which must each appear in the log entries
tx_hash string Hash of the transaction
tx_index unit Integer of the transactions index position in the block

Error Code

HTTP Code Error Code Error Message Description
403 - Forbidden. Invalid wallet ID - No wallet ID found
403 - Forbidden. Header not found - Missing X-API-CODE, X-CHECKSUM header or query param t
403 - Forbidden. Invalid timestamp - The timestamp t is not in the valid time range
403 - Forbidden. Invalid checksum - The request is considered a replay request
403 - Forbidden. Invalid API code - X-API-CODE header contains invalid API code
403 - Invalid API code for wallet {WALLET_ID} - The API code mismatched
403 - Forbidden. Checksum unmatch - X-CHECKSUM header contains wrong checksum
403 - Forbidden. Call too frequently ({THROTTLING_COUNT} calls/minute) - Send requests too frequently
403 385 API Secret not valid - Invalid API code permission
400 112 Invalid parameter - Missing necessary parameters
400 112 Invalid parameter {TXID} not found No relevant withdrawal request to TXID
400 112 Invalid parameter {TXID} not in blockchain Only in-chain withdrawal transactions allowed to query event log
400 303 Invalid currency - Not supported cryptocurrency to query event log
Sample Request



Response Body

  "logs": [
      "address": "0xeCb258697e1A4B1fE11A43fC93bD4907f1EC8c04",
      "block_hash": "0x37b6b94b8fac1eb810ddda89ceedabd37f1017f671fe41a245dc6558a25cb4bf",
      "block_number": 11173598,
      "data": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003b9aca00",
      "index": 0,
      "removed": false,
      "topics": [
      "tx_hash": "0xe82f0be9b30d840eca64e28e6f7562b7352b3b54519a7e63fb8f6d4609194bb9",
      "tx_index": 0

Sample cURL Command

curl http://localhost:8889/v1/mock/wallets/{WALLET_ID}/sender/transactions/eventlog?txid={TXID}