Transaction State Definition

ID Sate Description Callback Callback Type
0 Init The withdrawal request has been enqueued in the CYBAVO SOFA system - -
1 Processing The withdrawal request is processing in the CYBAVO SOFA system O Withdrawal(2)
2 TXID in pool The withdrawal transaction is pending in the fullnode mempool O Withdrawal(2)
3 TXID in chain The transaction is already on the blockchain O Deposit(1), Withdrawal(2), Collect(3)
4 TXID confirmed in N blocks The withdrawal transaction is already on the blockchain and satisfy confirmations - -
5 Failed Fail to create the withdrawal transaction O Withdrawal(2)
6 Resent The transaction has been successfully resent - -
7 Blocked due to risk controlled The deposit or withdrawal transaction was temporarily blocked due to a violation of the risk control rules - -
8 Cancelled The withdrawal request is cancelled via web console O Withdrawal(2)
9 UTXO temporarily not available The withdrawal request has been set as pending due to no available UTXO - -
10 Dropped A long-awaited withdrawal transaction that does not appear in the memory pool of the fullnode will be regarded as dropped O Withdrawal(2)
11 Transaction Failed The withdrawal transaction is regarded as a failed transaction by the fullnode O Withdrawal(2)
12 Paused The withdrawal request has been paused - -

Callback sample:

  "type": 1,
  "serial": 90000000619,
  "order_id": "",
  "currency": "ETH",
  "txid": "0xc99a4941f87364c9679fe834f99bc12cbacfc577dedf4f34c4fd8833a68a0b00",
  "block_height": 8336269,
  "tindex": 43,
  "vout_index": 0,
  "amount": "500000000000000000",
  "fees": "945000000000000",
  "memo": "",
  "broadcast_at": 1595296751,
  "chain_at": 1595296751,
  "from_address": "0x8382Cc1B05649AfBe179e341179fa869C2A9862b",
  "to_address": "0x32d638773cB85965422b3B98e9312Fc9392307BC",
  "wallet_id": 5,
  "state": 3,
  "confirm_blocks": 2,
  "processing_state": 2,
  "addon": {
    "fee_decimal": 18
  "decimal": 18,
  "currency_bip44": 60,
  "token_address": ""

Callback with state 5 (Failed) sample:

  "type": 2,
  "serial": 20000000155,
  "order_id": "1_69",
  "currency": "ETH",
  "txid": "",
  "block_height": 0,
  "tindex": 0,
  "vout_index": 0,
  "amount": "1000000000000000",
  "fees": "",
  "memo": "",
  "broadcast_at": 0,
  "chain_at": 0,
  "from_address": "",
  "to_address": "0x60589A749AAC632e9A830c8aBE041899d8Dd15",
  "wallet_id": 2,
  "state": 5,
  "confirm_blocks": 0,
  "processing_state": 0,
  "addon": {
    "err_reason": "Illegal Transaction Format: To 0x60589A749AAC632e9A830c8aBE041899d8Dd15"
  "decimal": 18,
  "currency_bip44": 60,
  "token_address": ""

Deposit callback with blocklist_tags sample:

  "type": 1,
  "serial": 90000002797,
  "order_id": "",
  "currency": "ETH",
  "txid": "0xbb38e22c33cbc33ad5a58a88bfee0905968062fe34e33eb6e28861771686cf45",
  "block_height": 11075566,
  "tindex": 7,
  "vout_index": 0,
  "amount": "10000000000000000",
  "fees": "31500000315000",
  "memo": "",
  "broadcast_at": 1632195931,
  "chain_at": 1632195931,
  "from_address": "0xD5909BacFc1faD78e4e45E9e2feF8b4e61c8Fd0d",
  "to_address": "0x319b269ef02AB7e6660f7e6cb181D0CD06E2E4a0",
  "wallet_id": 854512,
  "processing_state": 2,
  "addon": {
    "address_label": "",
    "aml_screen_pass": false,
    "aml_tags": {
      "cybavo": {
        "score": 100,
        "tags": [
        "blocked": true
    "blocklist_tags": [
      "cybavo(100): TEST"
    "fee_decimal": 18
  "decimal": 18,
  "currency_bip44": 60,
  "token_address": ""