Query Deposit Wallet Balance

Get the deposit wallet balance.



 GET /v1/sofa/wallets/{WALLET_ID}/receiver/balance

Response Body

Field Type Description
currency int64 Registered coin types. Refer to Currency Definition
token_address string Token contract address
balance string Deposit wallet balance
token_balance string Deposit wallet token balance

Error Code

HTTP Code Error Code Error Message Description
403 - Forbidden. Invalid wallet ID - No wallet ID found
403 - Forbidden. Header not found - Missing X-API-CODE, X-CHECKSUM header or query param t
403 - Forbidden. Invalid timestamp - The timestamp t is not in the valid time range
403 - Forbidden. Invalid checksum - The request is considered a replay request
403 - Forbidden. Invalid API code - X-API-CODE header contains invalid API code
403 - Invalid API code for wallet {WALLET_ID} - The API code mismatched
403 - Forbidden. Checksum unmatch - X-CHECKSUM header contains wrong checksum
403 - Forbidden. Call too frequently ({THROTTLING_COUNT} calls/minute) - Send requests too frequently
403 385 API Secret not valid - Invalid API code permission
404 304 Wallet ID invalid - The wallet is not allowed to perform this request

Sample Request



Response Body

  "currency": 60,
  "token_address": "",
  "balance": "0.619673333517576",
  "token_balance": ""

Sample cURL Command

curl http://localhost:8889/v1/mock/wallets/{WALLET_ID}/receiver/balance